This was my first visit to Blue Rocks. My first impression was a good one. Nice Friendly staff at the store when i checked in. The motor head in me liked the garage across the street. It was easy to find my site.
The make or break for any campground in my mind is the bathhouse. The lower bathhouse has been redone recently and is very nicely done in tile. The upper bathhouse is definitely out an dated wood look, but was clean. They were both clean any time i visited them. The hot water was both definitely hot and plentiful. All in all I give them an A.
While we were there they were epoxy coating the floor at Woody's Filling Station, their ice cream, old time drive in food place. Very neat! We didn't get the whole experience as not everything was open, buy I see the potential. The bolder field is amazing to see. You can hear the water running under it! The streams run throughout the camp ground and our bunk was over a small waterfall.
The campground is laid out good for the lay of the land. The seasonal sites are very clean unlike some places we have been to. Plus the seasonal sites do not dominate the campground. This campground is a diamond in the rough and looks like it will only get better with time.
i give this campground a solid "A". And it will be on my "return to" list!
This is a very nice family owned and operated campground. It is as close as you can get to a state park with the large wooded areas and the distance between sites. The sites aren't packed in to make every dollar possible.
Boulder field, basketball, sand volleyball, playground, fishing pond, hiking trails. A lot to do there.
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