I wanted to share... This group had a stand at the Bloomsburg Fair and there was very nice stuff at good prices. Check out their stuff on ebay, you can email or call to order directly.
Now that the family has doubled, a new sign is in my near future. 😉 hint, hint Joy
Ron's Custom Signs
Hand Carved Wooden Signs
Ron & Laura Eisaman
P.O. Box 60
Linden, PA 17744
phone: 877-350-9703
email: [email]rdwdsgn@aol.com[/email]
web: http://myworld.ebay.com/redwoodron/
There are also a few great sign guys here on our site:
I made my own Vinyl decals for my Family sign, Propane tank cover, Spare tire cover and all the decals on my renovated pup and trucks.
If your looking for a custom Vinyl decal to put on some thing. And make your own family sign. I design them and sell. You just apply on what ever you want.
I recently make 120 decals for a pop up camper group for a organization.
You can contact me at rsmobley85@gmail.com
Got this on ebay personalized for $19.99 and free shipping. Then I made the pvc light post myself. 8)
2003 GMC Yukon SLE
2002 Fleetwood Terry Lite 25j
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