Has anyone considered installing backup lights on the camper for arriving at the campground after dark? I've had it on my wish list for a while now with the idea that I could install a switch to turn off the vehicles backup lights and have the camper backup lights come on. The vehicle lights brighten up the front of the camper and than seeing past it is harder.
I have been thinking about doing this for some time... I am thinking on making the light (just one for now) moveable, either on a swing out arm, so I could also use the light for the shore connections. Or use a removable mount and a springy cord so you could actually walk maybe 6 feet either side of the pup with the light.. My current plan is to have the light switched by a switch mounted somewhere on the trailer frame.. So the light would be connected to the battery instead of to the 7 pin backup light connection... Although could actually mount 2 lights, on supplied power from the trailer and the other the tv...
I did see someone that did a mod to a Highlander (Niagara, I think) and added some backup lights. He had it wired into the backup lights in the wiring harness so they would come on automatically when the TV was switched into reverse, and also had a switch inside so he could turn them on when not connected to a TV. I seem to remember they took a number of photos of the finished work. It was on another site, but I don't remember which one.
Our Hybrid has a service light on the left rear, presumably to provide light for the dump valves or maybe the shower, since they're both located in the same vicinity. I usually turn that light and the porch light on before backing in, and also set out some battery-powered lanterns as marker lights to aim for.
My truck has auto-dimming mirrors, they always turn on automatically when the lights come on regardless of the previous setting, and I always forget to turn them off before backing in -- "Boy, it's dark and I can barely see a thing in these mirrors ... <smacks forehead>."
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