I just got the Cabelas Christmas catalog in the mail and it made me feel like a little kid.
:jig: yippieee :dance:
It is just like getting the Sears catalog when I was a kid (pre internet days). It was super thick and had soooo many toys in it. I would start circling the stuff I wanted....and there were a lot of circles. Then my mom would say I could only circle 10 items so there were some cross outs and then recircles and more cross outs etc.
What item do you get/use today that you can relate to being a kid?
Time to start circling stuff in the Cabela's catalog for my wife :dans2:
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Your post made me think in terms that didn't exist when I was a kid - OMG and LOL!
My sister and I would literally fistfight over who had first dibs on the Sears catalog - they had everything and anything; I remember not only making lists of what I wanted for Christmas, but choosing home decor for when I was old enough to move out of my parents' house (thank goodness that trends have moved away from avocado green, harvest gold, and all that mid-70's stuff :o). I also daydreamed about outfits that I would wear when I was old enough to have a job; I look back and laugh about the time when I thought that wide-legged denim gauchos epitomized chic.
As far as DH, in our house it's Guitar Center, any saltwater fishing, and Quadratec (Jeep parts/accessories) catalogs that make him behave like a little kid with a Sears catalog, though I don't think little kids lock themselves in the bathroom so that they can read the catalog cover-to-cover undisturbed ;D. I admit that I've been tempted to pitch these catalogs into the recycling bin as soon as they arrive because they inevitably interfere with household tasks that I want DH to do.
I'm guilty too, though. I'm always hoping to receive a catalog offering substantial discounts on anything & everything (and therefore scour every piece of 'sale mail' for such).
Still, nothing compares to the Sears catalog of years gone by. Great thread idea.
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