Well I was taking the tire off to get replaced when I discovered a new problem. On both sides the screws holding the skin to the underneath have either pulled away, fell out or half way out. Here are some pictures of the. Has anyone else had this problem. I dont think some of the screws will go back in the holes and not fall out. Thanks for any ideas.
[img width=640 height=476]http://kellyandysgang.webs.com/photos/Repairs/DSCN3313.JPG[/img]
[img width=640 height=480]http://kellyandysgang.webs.com/photos/Repairs/DSCN3317.JPG[/img]
[img width=480 height=640]http://kellyandysgang.webs.com/photos/Repairs/DSCN3319.JPG[/img]
[img width=480 height=640]http://kellyandysgang.webs.com/photos/Repairs/DSCN3321.JPG[/img]
Has anyone tried using some epoxy on the threads, or maybe a small dab of caulk on the side of the screw heads where they meet the side panel to keep them from backing out?
It may not be totally applicable here, but if the hole is stripped our and you're screwing into otherwise good wood (not split, rotten or otherwise damaged), you can use some wood splinters (I.e, toothpicks, or something about that size) to tighten up a hole. Just cut them to the right length, slather them in wood glue or epoxy, push them into the hole, then drive the screw in. Just snug the screw up at first and wait at least an hour, preferably more, before tightening them fully.
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