
I could give you a big long list of things that bug me.. but the things I see the most are 1) people who don't pick up after their dogs... we always have at least 2 bags with us when walking the dog incase he goes more then once... and 2) The jack@$$ who can't walk 10 feet to check and see if he locked his car (generally find them to be Japanese or European imports) and has to press the lock button not once, not twice but about 5 times in 3 minutes....
I don't mind the diesel.....Provided they don't IDLE forever while they set up.
Personally, I usually turn my headlights off when I am in the campground and just have the parking lights on. (provided I can still see)
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Loud Generators >:(. I just love the people that go camping and have to run a generator all day to keep the ac going.... I love even more the jacka** that runs a generator but puts its away from his camp so it is not as noisy with the exhaust aiming at my camp.... Yeah I want to hear that, thanks a lot.
Mine would be the people cutting thru our site, not cleaning up after their pets and the biggest is LOUD motorcycles. Why do people find it necessary to scare every living thing running for the hills? Some of them even at idle are loud, why? :dunno: I just think it's rude. Put a muffler on it. I'm not anti bike, just anti loud.
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