Ladder golf - or as we call it "golf shoes" because of it's similarity to horse shoes with golf balls on ropes. Or as others call it " Horse Balls" , same reasoning for the name except a little more adult. Whatever you call it it is a great game for the entire family because of the unpredictability of how you can score. We also enjoy washoes, which is washers tossed onto a board with three holes with each hole having a different score value. Or "Awe nuts" which is similar to washoes except there are boxes with a bolt through the center of it for chances of scoring a ringer around the bolt. For inside games ( or good weather outside games ) we enjoy Left, Right Center, or as we called it the DUM game which was an acronym for" Down, Up. Middle. It's more available now as Left Right Center but is basically a gambling game with each player starting out with three chips or " Coins" The nice thing is no one is out of the pot until the last roll of the dice. Not sure how any of these will show up on google searches so roll the dice and see what you get 🙂 we love all of these games when camping.
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