Well, today's my birthday and as a present, I got to set up the pop up in the side yard this afternoon so that my boys can camp out tonight. They've been dying to stay out there since I brought it home Tuesday and tonight's their chance.
This also gives me and momma a little alone time for my celebration this evening. In my opinion, this pop up has already paid for itself, and I haven't even pulled it out of the yard. :guitar: ;D
We haven't found that special PUP so when we camp in the yard, or on the screened in patio, it's with the tent and this gives my DW and youngest some quality time. My oldest DD of 5 still won't sleep alone in the tent but that day is coming and so is the day when we find that perfect PUP and the kids will have a sleepover in the camper.
It was great. They headed out right after dinner, around 7pm, and stayed there until around noon the next morning, save for a trip inside early to get some grub.
If we never pull this thing out of the yard, it's worth every penny we spent. They LOVE camping out in their new "clubhouse" and want to do it again this weekend. And I'm very VERY inclined to let them do just that.
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