There are 4 family's in the neighborhood with pop-ups. We are all going to Doll Mt. this weekend :D.
It's great because each family is in charge of 1 meal during the weekend. Makes the prep for camping a lot easier when you only have 1 meal to pack for.
Not having an AC, this maybe one of the last camping trips until the Fall rally.
Sounds like fun!!! Our girls have a dance recital on Saturday in Marietta, otherwise we would give strong consideration to joining you guys. It looks like there are still spots open.
I think we're committed to camping somewhere the following weekend (6th-9th), but we haven't made any reservations yet. Interested in camping on back-to-back weekends?
We need to include you guys in our neighborhood pop-up club as a remote member. If you have a change of plans we are all on the loop 9-12.
Thank you for the offer to camp., however 'll be going on a tour of modern homes next weekend the 7th & 8th. Also Michelle and Noah are off to South Africa for the month of June.
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