Ok eveyone, lets hear your campfire building strategies. I know everyone has their own way whether it be using tinder, kindling, fuel , fire starter log etc..
I generally go with the teepee method. I gather up some small branches or shave some slivers off my large wood, and if some nearby pine needles are available I will grab a couple of handfuls of that too. If not I will use some newspaper instead.
I make a pile of that, and then teepee style stack 3 or 4 good size split logs around it. Light it and watch it burn. If you have good seasoned wood, it works everytime.
How do you build yours?
When we were camping in Grand Teton NP we had a group of Boy Scouts next to us. They start gathering wood and getting ready to make a fire. My Uncle says to me "Now we'll see how to really build a fire." They pile on on all the wood and dump what seemed like a whole bottle of lighter fluid on before lighting. My Uncle was very disappointed.
I use the the tepee method with small twigs and bark in the middle to light first.
I usually will go with a leanto. Put a big piece in the back away of the ring or fireplace from where we're sitting and lean all the kindling up against it. But if it's crappy wet wood, like we kept getting at Vermont State Parks >:( >:( this past few years, I tend to use the log cabin method as I find this seems to burn wet stuff better.
Favorite is to make firestarter myself. Sawdust or dryer lint laid out on a paper towel or newspaper(1 sheet only) wet the filler with baby oil, roll up the paper, slide the whole works into a toilet paper or towel tube with paper sticking out the ends. Put a little more baby oil on tube and small twigs. teepee the remaining twigs and next size up branches/wood and put 2 or three larger pieces on out side being sure not to block ventilation. Light the paper sticking out of the tube and there you go.
I make my own with the egg cartons, dryer lint and old candles, but I got a few of these http://www.burnerfirestarter.com/ at the Hershey RV show and they work well. I mght by a container and keep them by the fireplace.
Best Regards,
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