Yes, you should lubricate it periodically. Once you do, it's very likely you'll find that it'll be a lot easier to crank up. Each manufacturer has their own procedure for doing so, though.
You don't list which brand/model you own, so no one will be able to help you with any exact details for your model. With Fleetwood/Colemans, you use some grease to lube the whiffletree assembly, and some silicon spray to lube the pulleys and lift arms. Take a look here:
There's a NAPA silicon spray #8300 that works well, plus it doesn't have a strong odor like some other of other silicon sprays I've used (Liquid Wrench). Be careful not to get it on the tent material, since it will mess up the waterproofing.
You may want to consider updating your profile with your camper information and state.
With seeing the pictures I was motivated get dirty and crawl under the pup and grease and spray the pulleys and whiffletree (who came up with that name?). Any how it was easy. My hardest part was putting a new tube of grease in the grease gun. I never did that before and know i did something wrong. Got more grease on my hands than in the gun. Oh well I used the spillage for the whiffletree.
He Ruide's gallery is fantastic, he has really taken the time to post some great info with pics.
One thing I do when working on the wiffle tree is raise the roof just enough to pull the bunk ends out about a foot and then lower the roof onto the ends. (not on the canvas)
This will take all the tension off the lift system and wiffle tree. Not sure if it is really necessary but if you look at the pics of the cables they are very loose, I think He Ruide did this also.
Just a thought. 😀
Happy Camp'n
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