[quote author=qwed94 link=topic=2413.msg23166#msg23166 date=1367124466]
Well I know I will not be anywhere close to PA. I will either be in Cuba, Mo. (about 1 hour SW of St Louis) camping and visiting with a good friend. Or I will be in Branson, Mo. camping.
Funny how things can change so fast HUH? I wrote this on April 28, 2013. Back when work was busy and things were so good. Since then we have had more rain than the lands can hold, (including this weekend-rain/storms/mess all weekend). And for the last 4 weeks we have been basically laid off. We are stuck at home! Im not doing too well with this, but you must do, what you must do, and going out this year is just not financially feasible.
On a good note. We did work all 40 last week, and should get all 30 this next week. Just pray for me, that work picks up now. Thanks
[quote author=Happy Campers 101 link=topic=2413.msg23848#msg23848 date=1369616020]
I'm praying for you that work will pick up. we too have felt the effects of the economy, cuts backs at my job and my husband's has put a damper on our travel plans as well but thankful we both still have jobs. Hope things get better for you soon.
Mike & Dawn
Happy Campers 101
Thank you Dawn (and Mike).
DW & I did get to go a little ways out today. The friends I mentioned in Cuba, Mo. gave us a call right after Church today, inviting us out for the day. So (thanks to the new car and its good MPG) we set out to see our friends. I did a little wrench work on the engine of his jon boat. We got it to start. Let it run till warm, shut off-start up. Then Him, I, and his son took off to the local launch ramp and had a nice trip up the river and a couple hours fishin. Way too much canoe/raft float trips to catch anything, but still felt great getting away. Then we went back to their house and a nice BBQ. (Ladies stayed home and visited). Really did have a nice day, and was great to get away even if it was only about 1 hour away and we was gone from about noon and back home at 11 PM. Was still good. I feel much better now.
Thanks Joe and Jen . We had a fabulous weekend at Blue Rocks as well. Great weather, good friends and good food as always. thank you to all who helped with the Belgian waffle bar, Joe for the use of the 40 cup coffee pot and condiments and donuts, Jon for the coffee, hot chocolate, condiments and juice.
Mike & Dawn
Happy Campers 101
Thanks to everone for making this little gathering a spectacular weekend. My kids and I had a blast. Dawn & mike Waffles were so awesome, My kids were like "dad your not making us waffles this morning before school!" Ihop got nothing on you guys, I have to get that batter recipe! Mike you are getting close to being a piro Like Joe You had that fire burning day and night keeping us all warm when the wind blew and had so much fire wood. Joe I always take a way at least one thing to make me a better camper took a lot away from this trip thanks for all the good advice and coming with us to crystal caves and my first trip to cabellas. Don't want to forget some great Kutztown Pizza. Glad we finally met your daughter. Looks like she had lots of fun. We cant tease you anymore about an imaginary kid lol. Butch and Jen thanks for hosting at your site was in a great location The hot water on demand mod looks great let us know how it works out. Steve and Bonnie Thanks for making the trip all the way from MD was great sitting around the campfire sharing stories hope to see you folks again at upcoming gatherings
Finally got out for out first camping trip in the PUP of the year and we got to take the new pup :dog: with us as well for his first camping trip. Went to Kennerdale, PA right along the Allegheny River. Great fishing, bass, trout and even a muskie. Only problem was trying to keep the :dog: out of the water.
[img width=640 height=477]http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/969605_10201181591892815_1296958985_n.jpg[/img]
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