So i bought my fiancee and I and 2015 travel star 239tbs a few weeks ago after much research and its a really nice unit! Took it camping this past weekend and the first 2 days went perfect till the night of the 3 night, the water line broke due to a faulty clasp 👿 so yesterday, labor day, i had to call emergency service to come help me 1 fix the broken pipe so we had water again and 2 help me manually close the slide do to the control box getting wet and frying (THE BOX SHOULDNT BE MOUNTED IN THE SAME COMPARTMENT AS THE WATER LINES!!!!) if yours is move it now before you end up like me! Luckily the warrenty is 2 years and im getting everything fixed under that including the money back for the service call yesterday. Yea i know it sucks to be in this position but the Warranty Dept of Starcraft is great! Yea its brand new and a week old but its all getting fixed under warranty! Also having them move the box to a more dryer location incase the water line decides to go again
Luckily, everything is covered under warrenty and I'm getting it fixed this friday!! I have 2x4s holding the slide so it doesn't move again when i go to take it down this friday, we will still be going to Knobles event with or without working slide haha, i have load locks helping with the 2x4 to keep it from moving when we drive, its a little snug but for the 2 of us and the pup we will be ok for now
Wow, sorry to hear about your troubles, but glad you are being treated well.
Can you manually crank your slide? On our Stampede, we can use the crank for the stabilizers to crank the slide in, in the event of a motor failure.
Once it's all fixed up, enjoy your new trailer & make lots of memories with it.
Ours is a small sofa slide. To access it, we have to pop off the front kick panel of the sofa & then we can put the crank on the box under the sofa. We had no idea that the buttons on the front, were not really buttons at all. They are just decorative fabric caps that cover the screwheads that hold the sofa front on. Not the most convenient, but it's nice to know it's possible, if needed.
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