We were with friends last weekend and tried to explain camping and why we do it. The subject has come up twice with my wife since than. When we set up in the driveway or backyard, we sleep in the camper, but it doesn't feel like camping. Last year we went to a wedding and we took the pup and stayed in a very nice campground but it still didn't feel like camping. We have had many trips that were very memorable but I can't pin point why? What is "camping" to you?
You did not post what it is to you, but camping can hold many different experiences and memories for many people.
for me, it holds 3 things.
It allows me to reflect on how I grew up tent/wilderness camping
It lets me share that with my kids and family, while teaching them too.
It lets me live in a different atmosphere for a few days, away from normal day to day life.
sometimes it is about the camping destination attractions. other times it is just about getting away.
Camping is something very different to everyone. Look around you the next time you're at a CG. You'll see everything from a one man tent to MH. Each person there is camping.
To me camping is simplicity. It's a book in a hammock with a cup of coffee or beer nearby.
It's the warmth of the spring, summer, fall sun on my face.
It's the smell of smoke on my clothes and the sound of food sizzling on the fire.
Camping is YMMV.
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Camping, to me, runs the full gammit of emotions.
There is always some stress before we go, getting groceries & supplies, making sure I have the truck serviced well for the haul. getting everyone on the same page for loading clothing, bikes, fishing gear and other needed items.
Then, before departure, there is excitement because I'll be camping and in the outdoors which is pure bliss.
Pulling out, there is some anxiety while driving through traffic and over the rough roads of our community.
Once at the campground, I'm more relaxed, but feel very busy, because, all I want is to be set up, there are always so many things to do.
After set up I am feeling great, looking forward to a few days away from the hustle and bustle of the normal work week.
Then there is sadness when the day comes to have to pack it in and start all over again.
All of that said, I will never give it up, the payoff is so worth all of it. Camping is simply the best. My kids and family have had so many good times and have so many great memories by taking part in this activity, it truly is priceless.
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