Have to wait a little bit to see what may be up that weekend. DW comes from a large family and one or another of her brothers often has a cookout that weekend --and no matter who hosts it it's not close to Fireman's Park. If there are no family commitments we'll at least stop around.
I know that campout has gone on there for years. And the chicken barbecues are great! The chicken can't be much fresher...
In the pics: the large RV belongs to thingette 1 and mine's parents. THey will be along this year too. THe next pic thingette 1's PUP is on the left and mine on the right. There was one more PUP in our group belonging to friends who are twins and will also be along. THe tents are also with us, and they are family and friends of the ones with campers. We'd love to have enough adults and teens for two complete volleyball teams or more for the tourney that is held on Sunday. Hope you'll join us:)
Not interested in cooking lunch on Memorial Day? The Friends of Swatara State Park are having a BBQ about 10 miles from this campout.
Friends Group Memorial Day Chicken Sale - Monday, May 28th @ 10am-2pm. This will be the first fundraiser for the Friends Group and will feature Kauffman's BBQ chicken (1/2 grilled chicken, baked potato, and applesauce for $6.50). Tickets will be sold in advance, and the chicken can be picked up at the Memorial Lake State Park office parking lot.
For more details: http://www.friendsofswatara.org/
One of our members (JEH412) is affiliated with the Friends group.
What a Blast! The entertainment Sat eve was good, the chix dinner by Fredericksburg Fire Co on SUn was delicious! It was a little hot and muggy, but a lot of fun just the same. Glad I had my rear awning mod done, it was a huge help! Drank lots and lots of water, but sweated so much out that I didn't have to make a midnight bathroom run. (Oh yeah, I was still up at midnight, well make it a 2 or 3am run then) The kids all got along, and were real dirty at the end of each day, and all slept very well.
I call that a SUCCESS!
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