I have a table I will bring for food to be served on. Steve and I will be picking up some wood for fires but if everyone can add a log or two we'll have plenty! I'm also going to pick up some yummy flavored creamers for coffee in the mornings, I NEED MY COFFEE!!!!!!
And can I just say that it was pretty stinking cool to get our pre-registration email and pre-register while still camping on our last trip we just got back from today?!?!? ;D
Washstation: I think so, but am not positive.
Wi-Fi: I seem to remember checking the last time we were there and there wasn't, at least at the camp sites.
Alcohol: Yes (according to the ReserveAmerica landing page for the park), no info either way on the NYSParks page for the park, though.
We can let you know tomorrow.
I have a 5' table in the truck that we can use at the potluck.
We'll be bringing an America themed cake (dunno, that's what Marcy says) to the potluck
We're also bringing our 8yo niece.
There was no wi-fi there last year but if using a smart phone there is cell reception there.
There are washers and dryers and I believe a large sink at the back of the bath house on the 200 inner loop.
NYS parks especially this one are pretty laxed when it comes to alcohol. Alcohol is permitted and as long as your able to walk, not being aggressive and hanging at your site I have never had a problem or seen one.
Well gang....its official. My requirements for the County Fair coverage at my job have been cancelled so I will be able to attend the rally until Saturday afternoon.
To expand on Erin's warning phone use. We are 4 miles from Canada thus giving the name to the creek and park. I believe they have technology in place to limit the cross over of signals but your phone can and will pick up the Canadian service at times. I have personally had difficulty with this and wound up with a hefty fee for roaming. I was able to get this refunded with a phone call to Verizon. Just keep an eye out before you use any phone features and you should be fine.
For those planning on visiting the local attractions here I highly recommend visiting Old Fort Niagara inside Fort Niagara Park. It sits on the point on the american side of the Niagara River. Since this year is the 200[sup]th[/sup] anniversary of the war of 1812 they should have some additional activities planned this year.
For those that have the required documents to cross the border:
Fort George is available to tour as well. Since the Canadians really won the war of 1812 they have put millions of dollars into commemorating the 200 year anniversary. I have not visited the site but I have heard it is a fantastic facility. http://www.pc.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/on/fortgeorge/index.aspx/
Niagara-on-the-Lake is a upscale village area with plenty of shopping, food and activities. http://www.niagaraonthelake.com
Canadian side of Niagara Falls gives spectacular views of the falls.
Just a few thoughts. See you in 4 days.
For those with pets, they *will* be asking for your pet's rabies certificate.
They don't exactly go to any lengths to notify you of the the fact that they're going to require you to present it. I dug through the NYS park's site and can find no mention of this but they were rather insistent it was in there. On the ReserveAmerica site, I did find a one line, "current rabies certificate required," buried within the text. I do remember reading that, but just took it as my dog needed to be vaccinated (he is) and never thought they'd be asking me to present it or prove it in any way.
So true about the certificates! In years past they weren't that strict about this but over the last 2 years or so we have been asked everytime. We actually keep a copy of the dogs liscence and rabies in our TV glove box so we always have it.
If anyone has a dog that likes the water we can show you a great little beach area away from everything to take the doggies to run and splash. Its a good way to keep them cool too 8)
My (AT&T) iPhone has a Data Roaming option under General->Network and it's always switched to off which prevents any inadvertent data roaming charges. My guess is that Verizon iPhones might have the same option. It doesn't help inadvertent phone use, but that's much easier to prevent by just not dialing or answering if it doesn't display your home network.
Thingette 1 Talked to the guy at ATT yesterday and he said best advice is to look at you phone before placeing call or sending message if it says ROAMING or any other name than your network of choice, do not call. Or, you can change your plan to international for the trip and change it back when you get home. I think we'll be using walkie talkies in the cars.

Couple of things I wanted to mention...
1) Any Canuckians who are attending if you are in touring the falls and want to place a call home from your cell and NOT pay roaming charges through a US tower... Head out on the point on Goat Island (the horseshoe falls side) and you'll pick up the Canadian towers...
2) If the nights are clear you have to head over to the pavilion/washrooms in the non power/water front sites ... there is a plaque showing the Toronto skyline identifying the buildings.. Nice to see them lit up at night ...
Have fun ...
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