Breadbox, sorry to hear that. See you next time.
We will be leaving home at 10am Thursday(tomorrow!!)
Sat am we'll have a kids scavenger hunt and cool frosty treat.
Sat afternoon 4:30 ish we'll get some games going and potluck set up.
6pm is potluck.
After potluck will be a kids craft and general socializing and finish the games.
Then door prizes will be awarded. (Categories to be determined, based on # of prizes available)
Followed by campfire and more socializing.
It looks like the camping gods are against us this year. The hitch on the truck broke while we were in route. That was an experience. We will not be coming up tonight but will be there tomorrow morning and spend the day and eat with all of you tomorrow night. We cancelled our reservation so if someone wants our site its up for rent. See you guys tomorrow.
Amazing weekend with everyone. Food, Friends, Water, Games, Beautiful Weather
Thanks Viking and thingettes sister for running this rally.
Thanks thingettes sister for the scavenger hunt, temp tattoos and other activities.
Thanks mdbird for the event grill and cooking.
Thanks guitarman and MarcS for the firewood donation.
Thanks everyone for the food and all your help.
Thanks thingette for a little help setting up and MarcS for loading the kayaks.
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I think Bad Seed's luck rubbed off. We got caught in traffic in Scranton for 45min. Made it as far as Painted Post, NY about a hour away from home. Hit a pot hole and broke the passenger side leaf spring in the middle which it the axle slide back. It jammed into the frame destroying the tire but not blowing it. Managed to stay out of the guard rail (on a curved bridge) and get the mess onto the shoulder. Jacked up the camper and put blocks of wood between the axle and the frame. Used a ratchet strap to pull the axle forward and bind it to the frame and blocks. Limped it off the Expressway and tightened everything. Took off for home on back roads. Took a total of 5 1/2 hours. Home sweet home. Will reassess damages tomorrow with pictures.
Now for the good stuff. Thank You to thingette 1s sister and Viking for running this rally. Nice job. Thanks to Mdbaird for cooking and having the patients to ride with me and not kill me. It was good to see people we knew and meet new people. Looking forward to September in Knoebels. Chief.
Chief and bad seed glad everyone is ok.
We had such a GREAT time. We were talking and thinking about a week trip or at least Tues-Sun for next year. Loved the beach, good food, great friends. Thank you to Bad Seed and Guitarman for letting us try your kayaks. We had a blast! Our boys are exhausted and so are the pups. Rosie did great on her first camping trip.
I am so glad we found this forum and all our Internet camping friends. You are all great! :cheers:
Our weekend camping plans were cancelled because of hitch issues. We were able to spend Saturday with all of the campers. It was a beautiful day and campground. Thank you to all of campers involved in the planning and to all of the campers who attended. Saturday was a wonderful day for us.
We have not been able to camp this year because of multiple issues. We are planning to attend the October Rally at Spring Gulch. I am thinking that you all are saying, as well as we are thinking, "We will believe it when we see it".
This rally was so much fun ;D It was awesome to see so many families out camping and getting to know one another. I'd like to say thank you to each and every one of you who participated.
The kids all had such a fun time together riding bikes, doing the scavenger hunt, making clothespin critters, playing games, and hanging out both on the beach and around the campsites. These are things my memories are made of from my camping as a kid, and now we are all making those memories for our children too.
Thanks to our campfire "host sites" each evening, Steven and Christine for Thurs eve, Jonathan for Fri eve, and Barb & Bruce for Sat eve.
Thanks to all who brought and shared kayaks and geocaching knowledge.
Thanks Jonathan for being such a great co-moderator, and for providing so many great door prizes.
Thanks to Joe for the great Canvas Camper contributions to the door prizes too and for the am coffee setup.
Thanks for all the yummy food everyone! And to Mike for bringing the big grill.
I have tons more pics, just had to go back to work, and have not had too much time to pick out the best ones to post yet.
We heard lots of "lets do this again", and I think there is a link for that already.
And the weather was good too. Hope everyone has a great rest of summer, see you next time.
Sounds and looks like it was a great trip!
For the road warriors with troubles. I'll just put a plug in here for AAA premier RV. It's not cheap, but it gets the tow vehicle and the camper towed 200 miles. For an extra $30/year I added towing for the truck and trailer to my regular insurance as well. I"m quite handy and have plenty of experience getting hurt vehicles home on my own, but I wanted to make sure I had plenty of coverage in case we get stranded with two kids in the middle of nowhere.
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