Matt & Jamie, someday perhaps we can have one of our Georgia rallies later in the year, but you know what summer is like in Florida. Well, it's not called Hotlanta up here for nothing. Sorry you won't be coming up this time....someday perhaps!
Maybe we could get the FL and GA (and neighbors) to meet in the summer when school is out. That would be fun.
[quote author=GA Judy link=topic=2737.msg26628#msg26628 date=1382841102]
Maybe we could get the FL and GA (and neighbors) to meet in the summer when school is out. That would be fun.
Like jmcclung, we can't make rallies during the school year. Not only do I have two in school, but she teaches as well. And it's a far stretch after school on Friday to make the long trips (only to setup in the dark). Maybe one day....
Great idea, Nancy. We were near Gulf Shores and would like to camp there.
We were camping at Blackwater River State Park (FL) two weekends ago (when it was very cold and rainy!) in the same area. Love that white sugar sand and beautiful blue Gulf.
(Blackwater River SP is about 30 miles north of Navarre, which is on Pensacola Bay, but only has 15 sites in each of the two loops. Otherwise, it is a very nice park with a short walk to the beach and river. Blackwater River is one of the last, if not the last, white sand rivers in the U.S. There is a large new bathhouse in each loop, public areas down a bit that have elevated restrooms and BBQ pavilions overlooking the white sand beach that connects with a nature walk to the river access by the CG.)
Well as much as I would love to head to the beach this year. Not gonna make it. My vacation time is already allotted for our trip to The Grand Canyon, plus the Fall rally. Man, sure wish I didn't have to work for a living :-[. But maybe someone in this group could get the ball rolling and make some rally plans for the future. (Notice how this thread got pulled from the Spring and moved into the Summer :winkani:
We used to live in Pensacola and have been canoeing down the Blackwater River. I suggest not tipping your pregnant wife out of a canoe! ;D It was a blast.
Any who...this summer is probably out for us as I will be short on vacation time as we are taking a summer trip to the Keys for a week. But, if the dates work out, we will try to make it.
[quote author=jmcclung11 link=topic=2914.msg28190#msg28190 date=1395277598]
We used to live in Pensacola and have been canoeing down the Blackwater River. I suggest not tipping your pregnant wife out of a canoe! ;D ....
Jamie, we were at Blackwater River SP a few weeks ago (when that awful cold/rain spell came through), and the water was a bit deeper than "normal" and faster, too. We got around the "S" bend in a tandum inflatable kayak (we usually paddle one each) but I was worried about DH falling in. I paddled, he paddled, we paddled alone, we paddled together. It was fun but we got down to the bridge where the sign says "End of State Canoe Trail" and tried to paddle back against the current. We could not, so I beached Al with the cooler and hiked back the mile to the CG. The car battery was dead! Long story short, got help, rescued Al, and had a lot of fun. That's a cool river and very nice SP.
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