Ladyhawke said
We booked site 93 from Wed to Sun but may adjust the days as we get near the time. 2A + 1 K9. This site looked like it could handle our trailer....
You should fit. It's says it's 30 feet. There is a fence in the back, so no hanging back end over the creek. The sites across from that are deeper even though they also say 30 feet.
Ladyhawke said
We booked site 93 from Wed to Sun but may adjust the days as we get near the time. 2A + 1 K9. This site looked like it could handle our trailer....
When we were trying to book Watkins Glen last year and weren't sure what type of trailer we would have, in speaking with the park rangers about our dilemma, they said there's a "fudge factor" of about 5' built in to their measurements. So a 30' spot could really accommodate upto 35'. It makes sense as inexperienced campers could under estimate how much room they'd need. I'm assuming PA rangers might do the same practice.
There has been some discussion on how to get there. Attached is the route i would recommend.
Most of you are coming from the south east, sooner or later you are going to have to get on Route 15 north so I started this at the intersection of Route 80 and Route 15. Do not let your GPS vary you, there are some vary narrow roads in this area.
It is all good, so its a matter of how much we are willing to drive. Or an out and back run, Waterville south to Jerey Shore is 10 miles. Cedar Run south to Waterville is 21.5 miles. going up to Blackwell adds another 4 miles. Barb, Bonnie, Steve< Joe and myself did Darling run to Tiadaghton a couple of years ago. there are a few places to stop for lunch or and adult beverage.
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