I guess they don't make Bike Speedometers anymore. They are all Bike Computers. 7 function, 12 function, 20 function.......I'm confused :dunno:
I am doing the 2015 City to Shore MS Bike Ride in September and I need to train. Plus I'm fat and I need to lose weight. I have a hybrid mountain bike that has already completed 1 City to Shore ride without me so the bike is capable (I lent my bike to Mariska Hargitay last year). It isn't like I have never rode any distance. I would ride with my sister and Cindy about once a week last year while they got ready for the ride. This year they talked me into doing it.
The weather is turning nice, it's time to start riding. I want to have a bike computer to keep track of how far I go on each ride, cumulative distance for the entire training period, and speed. What are all of the other functions that are on the computer? Do I need, want them?
Also I see everyone post on FB about how far they ran and where they ran. I figure I could do the same thing for biking. I'd like to do that as well. Is that an ap on a phone? I would like to do that so people who donate money see I am taking the MS Bike ride seriously and training.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
you can get a wired bike computer for as little as $15.
wireless are a bit more.
here's a sample of some from Nashbar. you can also check Performance Bike.
there'll be a description on what each tracks
I use the app "Map My Walk". There's Map My Ride, Map My Run... It's all the same thing. You can change the activity inside the app.
Nike + has a cool app, I haven't used it for biking though. A computer for the bike would be cool. Don't forget a (good) bike light will be important for training too!
I hear bikes are faster when they're covered with hello kitty duct tape.
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My sister suggested using my cell phone as well. Just buy a mount for my smartphone. Now the issue is I am getting a new cell phone in a few weeks so I don't know what mount to get :thumbsup:
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
When you get a mount, get one that has good ratings! Plus keep in mind if you will have a case on it you'll want something that will fit the case too. I got this
I'm not super happy with it, but it was cheap and I can fit my phone in it regardless of case, plus it holds more than just a phone.
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I have a cat eye bike computer. I like it because it is small and has two mileage settings and an overall. I reset A for every ride to know what I have done, I reset B every year to know what I did over the year, and the total is what I have done on the bike.
I use Strava app on my phone. It is like most of the others, but I am used to it and I can see what I do compared to my friends that use it.
I waited until I got a new phone and now I will start looking for a cell phone holder and see if that works. If I don't find a secure holder I may buy a computer. I want to see how fast I'm going as I ride. I downloaded the "Map my Ride" app for my first ride and stuck it in a pouch but I did something wrong and it didn't track my distance and other stuff. StormTrooper I just retired my iPhone and got an LG phone. It has been 4 days and I miss my iPhone :'(
The first time out for a ride yesterday I did 9.8 miles in 1 hour averaging 10mph......without my anchor. We'll see how I do when I bring my son on his 1/2 bike attached to my bike.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
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