I just got a new, and as inexpensive as they come, hybrid bicycle. It's got 21 gears, but I can't really work them. There's three on the left, and 7 on the right. I know I'm supposed to pedal when switching gears, and I can get to most of the 7 gears on the right when the three is on the left, but when I switch to 2 on the left, the gears don't switch all the way... and it feels like I'm pedaling nothing and the chain makes noises 😮 I keep meaning to try to read the book to see if I can solve it myself, but haven't had a chance yet.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help!
If you bought it from a bicycle dealer, take it back and have them adjust it. My son worked at a bike shop and they are very sensitive to being adjusted properly. If you bought it from a chain store, they probably don't have anyone experienced enough to do the proper adjustment. You may have to pay someone to set it up properly.
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