I'm sorry, I have to type this here as well. It is Sooooooo much fun to say A NEW DUTCH OVEN!!! I have the Rod Roddy voice (Price is right announcer) saying it in my head every time I type A NEW DUTCH OVEN!!!!! Ding Ding Ding - start jumping up and down and hug Bob Barker.
So don't forget to enter the Sweepstakes (click HERE) to enter.
:clappingani: :jig: :dans2:
[move][size=36pt]A NEW DUTCH OVEN!!!!![/size][/move]
What would you cook for your first dutch oven meal? Would you go simple or complicated? Stew or cobbler?
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Ya'll are so funny ;D
Just picked up a 16in deep and a wok for under $50 at the Farm & Home Supply. Unseasoned and I'm not sure of the brand, never heard of them, WFS (World Famous Sports). They seem to be a bit on the thin side, but they are definitely smoother then the small china made skillets I got a couple of months back.
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