YEAH!!!! :jig: I'm sharing it with the world. :dance: My son caught his first fish. :cheerleader: A 9 inch Bass at Chambers lake in Hibernia County Park. I am not a sports person so I guess this is the same feeling a father might get the first time his son throws a football or hits a baseball. :clappingani:
Mariska Hargitay, my son, and I went boating after work. It was perfect, she was able to take our picture with the fish before we released it. Then my wife met us on shore with a picnic dinner. It was an awesome evening :thumbup:
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Congrats to dad & son! Glad Cindy captured the moment for you.
I still have the photo of my older son's first fish. He's standing on the banks of the Brandywine at KOA in his little dinosaur pjs proudly holding up the sunny he had caught, with my husband beside him.
Great memories. Enjoy these special moments.
I have a framed picture of this hanging outside of my cubicle at work. I have the date, lake, and size of the fish on the picture. I have been telling everyone :rock: We'll work on teaching him to bait the hook and take the fish off soon. Before we went out for opening day I worked with him on casting in the backyard....he still needs to work on that. He did want to "pet" the fish when it was in the boat before I released it :baseballhat: .
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
I learned a long time ago that if you are going to catch and release....take the barb off the hook so it is easier to come out. Just take needle nose pliars, grab the hook and go down and out.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
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