My son just got the little air hogs air crane for Christmas. He really likes it. I tried it and it is pretty fun to use, albeit, somewhat hard to control. I am sure I'll get used to it. Wouldn't mind having a little more upscale heli to try and fly myself. I am a complete novice though. I suppose I will practice on his and then see if it is something I might like to pursue. Good luck with yours. Let us know how you like it.
I was really into the battery operated cars and trucks in highschool/college ... I still have them, and have actually taken a couple of them camping once or twice .. My collection consists of an old original Grasshopper .. A Big Bear monster truck and a Porsche 959 Rally Car ... Also to go with this I also have a Grasshopper/Hornet Clone (the Muggin Manx) which is now the basis of my '32 Ford sedan delivery street rod, excluding a body I also have enough Grasshopper/Hornet parts to almost build another car ... Then the kids have 2 or 3 other "toy" cars and trucks ... sometime this summer I may have to break a few out of storage and take them camping.. 😉
My boy's got two RC helos. One's a CH-47 which he crashed and burned on Day One. He was NOT a newbie at these. (Fortunately his uncle gave it to him. I saw the price tag and shivered.) His first we ordered from JC Penney. I can't remember the model but it's done him well. It was a discountinued item he'd seen possibly at Staples and his OCD had him combing the web to find it elsewhere for cheaper.
The downside is his OOW (obsession of the week) has long passed and he hasn't played with it for months.
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