Hi Everyone,
Just thought I would finally stop in and join the campfire and visit awhile. New here but not to camping, we have owned our 1st pop-up for 6 years now and have done 2 local state parks weekends so far this season. Kids have outgrown us so it's just the DW and our Great Pyrenees oversized puppy these days when we go out.
I thought I would include a photo of our camper at our favorite CG. It was a 9 day trip so it has the "moved in" look but look past that and you will see the best view to have a cup of coffee with in the morning.
[img width=640 height=432]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t304/mercman64/MAINE%202008%20LBC/mainesite9.jpg[/img]
Welcome from Chester County PA! Your photo reminds me of the campsite we had at Mountainview Campground in Sullivan, Maine. If the weather had been nicer , the view would have been spectacular. Unfortunately, most of our time there was spent in pouring rain & fog. But, I sat out under the front hybrid bunk & drank my coffee every morning, determined to enjoy my view, which most of the time resembled a glass of white milk!
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