I was wondering if anyone has taken the "Back-Saver" style bed supports off a newer Fleetwood (a 2004 Niagara is the parts camper I have access to) and put them on an older model, such as our Timberlake (2000). The beds are the same size so I wondered if I could remove the supports and put them on easily. Before I started a project like that I figured I would check to see if anyone else had already done this/tried this and if it there are any "watch outs".
I could get pictures of the existing supports, there are plenty of those online. I don't have pictures of the back saver versions, I know there are plenty online. The parts camper is quite a distance away, but, I am free to get parts whenever I get to it. My plan now is to remove them when I get there after taking plenty of careful measurements/pictures. If possible (and I see no reason why it won't be) - I plan to take the entire "bunk" wood from each side.
From the pictures, it appears the supports are the same, just a different mount under the bunk that has the "special" bracket that allows them to click into place.
It will likely be a few months before I get a chance to put them in. Once, I start that project, I will take pictures.
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