I know it's the time of the year where everyone is busy with holidays and our camper modification is one of the last thing on our minds.
I am curious what kind of improvements everyone has in mind. It's pretty cool learning of different improvements I can add to mine before we get busy camping again. I'm thinking about making a aluminum angle bracket storage rack to carry my blue tote under the front of my camper. This would free up some space in my TV. What kind of ideas do you have in mind or already making?
New curtains, removing stove and sink and building a big storage area in its place with a hinged lid, removing drawers from the opposite side of sink and stove and building another storage compartment in its place. Removing lightweight rear bumper and fabrication a whole new rear section strong enough to hold bikes and coolers. I may just build a receiver hitch style bumper, still to be determined. Upgrade floor covering. You said "planning on doing". I doubt it will all get done.
First thing we're going to do is take everything out and reorganize. Not really a mod but counts for us. The DW and I seem to have different opions where things need to be stored!!!
I have accumulated 3 or 4 new DO that will be staying in the TT so I'm thinking of building some type of kitchen box to help in storing them.
We will be trying to clean out the front storage compartment and leaving only items that will be needed for set up and outdoor activities. I think this will be the easiest chore of them all as the DW doesn't have a key to access the front storage (kinda like my man cave only on the camper!).
Only other thing I can think of is maybe a good washing come early spring and we will be ready to get out again.
I'm seriously thinking about installing at least one new ceiling vent+fan. The vent fan in the bathroom that came with the unit is a joke, and the other vent is just a plain vent. Neither has a cover so I effectively can't use either during wet weather. I'm thinking of shooting for the moon and getting something like the MaxxFan Deluxe (7500K) so I get a fan and cover all at once, as well as a bunch of other features. It'll be particularly nice to have in the late spring and early fall when it's not quite warm enough to fire up the A/C, but airflow is important to keep the temps down.
Like Beerlifter, I think I need to do some reorganizing. We put almost all of the stuff that we had in the old unit straight back into this one without weeding anything out. There are probably a lot of things that we no longer need to be bringing with us.
I also really need to weigh the whole unit, especially the tongue. The dry tongue weight was already over the 10% mark of the GVWR, so weighing and shifting heavier things out of the front storage compartment to the back storage compartment or maybe under the dinette (over the wheels), and conversely, lighter things to the front is definitely in order.
We got our 2013 Viking Epic 2107 in July, so we're still working on the basics: what goes where. But, the good design folks at Viking decided that the wonderful, wrap-around privacy curtain that they used to install around the cassette potty was stupid, and they replaced it with a front-to-back, pull-across curtain to separate the main bunk from the smaller bunk and the dinette bunk. This means that, if you're on the potty, you have no real privacy, since the door is on your immediate left front; you've got to lock the door and close its window, just in case. Nice innovation design guys..... We'll be taking down their stupid privacy curtain and installing one that makes sense.
I'm also looking for a replacement awning. The Dometic they install on the 2107 is -- according to a Customer Service person at Viking -- the most "cost-efficient" for it. That translates, basically, to cheap****; the awning itself seems pretty sturdy, but the frame is lightweight garbage that I do not trust in anything more than a gentle sneeze. The spreader bars are the twist-to-lock variety, and as soon as they get wet, they slip, bowing the awning; and, when wet, they're almost impossible to readjust. I'm hoping to find an awning with a decent frame system. (Any help with this gratefully accepted.)
Other than that, no mods.
The cheap plastic clips on my electrical hatch broke. On the last camping trip while going down the road, I noticed in my rear view mirror on drivers side the electrical service wire was slowly coming out. I had to pull over and tuck it back in and put some tape on the door. Very soon, I am going to replace the door with a bargman electrical hatch door with a key lock. It is a bigger door which will come in handy with me putting a 12 volt electric socket for me to plug in my new to me/used wingard automatic satellite.
I will also be replacing my tail lights with LED Bargman tail lights since the old ones fill up with water everytime I wash the unit or if it rains. I will be taking pictures of my mods while doing all this! FwArcadia wants to join me while I am doing this, he is thinking about doing the same thing to his unit.
Happy New Year Everyone!
[li]Build "riser box/platform" with casters for the new Dometic Porta Potty[/li]
[li]Install said box in cabinet where I took the old Ice Box out[/li]
[li]Fabricate the Galley Kitchen Shelves[/li]
[li]Build/Fabricate a box for the tongue area for leveling blocks, and ...[/li]
[li]Install/Fabricate a tow hitch on rear bumper to tow my little boat[/li]
[li]Design and fabricate bunkend covers with Reflectix[/li]
[li]Find/Replace key for front door lock or replace with new lock[/li]
Hopefully I can get all this done before the S.E. April Rally at McKinney Campground.[/list]
This morning I ordered a 100 watt solar system. There'll be a little tweaking to do, but mostly Roamie is set up and ready to receive the battery and components.
We also got "other stuff" including under shelf racks, spice racks and stuff.
Roamie, the Apache pop up, is having a never ending Christmas. When we gathered up all the camping equipment given and received this year it was more than anything else. And if it wasn't camping gear it was scrapbooking stuff to keep our memories together.
Here's a sample of what was given/received:
[img width=383 height=640]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb265/yobtya1/IMAG0726.jpg[/img]
[quote author=MariskaHargitay link=topic=2100.msg19380#msg19380 date=1357157510]
Wait, will your potty be on wheels? What goes on during those Georgia Rallys?! :blink1: ;D
;D The porta potty will be on a box that is about 4 or 5 inches high (making the potty higher to help with those sore knees not having to bend so low ;)) and will have casters on the bottom to roll in and out from the cabinet.
I'll post some photos when I get it finished.
I know it's been a while, but I wanted to refresh this thread. Just picked up a 2010 Coleman Niagara, and have caught the mod "bug" again.
1. Install 12v Cigarette Sockets (will have a thread of this soon)
2. Swap out factory radio for JVC Head Unit I had around
3. Replace outside speakers with Marine 6.5" (on order)
4. Replace inside speakers with Marine speakers (had them already from another project)
5. Install Under Cabinet LEDs, as well as outside LEDs and step light
6. Replace overhead lights with LEDs
7. Have Diamondplate Propane and Battery Boxes made (~Fall 2013)
8. Install Carefree Campout awning, with extensions to mount legs to frame of camper
9. To be continued... 😉
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