There are foam bed risers in varying heights that can be bought on line and via medical supply places. Like this one that is adjustable and this one that is not [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]. Keep in mind, most of these require extra postage since they are oversized. Too keep them on the bunk how about a bed railing like you'd use for little kids? Like this:
Your quest is a good one as we too like to prop our pillows for reading in bed. It made me think that a fold up backrest may do the job. We have them on the back of our dinette bench seats. It's a piece of wood attached to the seat base by a long piano hinge. To use, you raise it perpendicular and rest the cushion against it. When closing up, you lift the cushion and fold down the back rest so it lays flat on the seat part. Easy-peasy. Let me know if you'ld like me to send a photo of our dinette bench to show you how our works.
I would use these.
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