Have you replaced the canvas on your pop up trailer? Have you used either of these suppliers or heard feedback on them? 1. Bear Creek Canvas, Spencer, WI
2. Unicanvas, Quebec?
We have 2 quotes for full replacement and don't know why the price is sooooo different. Bear Creek is 875.00++ and Unicanvas is $1300.00++. We live in Ontario, Canada and would like to support Canadian manufacturers but what about the price?
Thanks for info!
Thanks Kitphantom. I'm a little confused with Canvas Replacement as they have 2 options for our Bonair: one is "Bonair Complete Canvas" for $920 and require old canvas. The other is "Bonair Canvas c/ slideout complete" for $1020. Not much info beyond that so I will contact they directly. By the way, the Unicanvas price is actually $1925 CDN. Think I will be forced to go with one of the other 2 suppliers.
I have conversed with all three you mentioned. Being in Canada myself I wanted to go Canadian. However paying extra 200-300 AFTER shipping and exchanged. I ended up with Canvas Replacement - VERY good quality and better than the original. They even prewired the canvas for the roof lights with proper matching connectors. No leaks and was heavy rains and winds.
I have heard numerous times that BC has wonderful quality, but I have not dealt with them specifically.
I have, however, ordered from Canvas Replacements and they have WONDERFUL customer service. I cannot testify to the quality of their canvas, but we purchased a replacement part for our lift system and were quite impressed.
HTH and good luck!
The other consideration too here on ordering canvas is when to order it. I just ordered mine from BC and found out that if I waited till maybe feb. or later they could be up 16 weeks out according to the person I talked to on the phone. So I ordered mine mine maybe 2 weeks ago and hope to have it in 4 to 5 weeks . I was going to buy it at tax time but after the talk on the phone , that's their busy season , food for thought here ......
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