Once again thank you so much for the support I get here at Canvas Campers. This means a lot to myself, Diane, Amanda, and Dylan. We are very lucky to have friends like you and everyone on CC.
If anyone is interested in joining, please do so. We have all miles covered that will have people riding. I will be shooting for the 100 miles, I have a few people doing the 45 miles, and Diane will be heading up the team at the 25 mile start location. All are welcome to crash at our house the night before if you are coming from a distance. There are over 8000 people who do this ride so you need to get there early for parking. At the 100/75 start we get dropped off on the highway and ride 1/4 mile to start and beat all the traffic. The other starts can be dropped off also or they have easy parking.
The campground is very nice. We had a great time last year with thingette 1s sister (Becky, Winter, and Bobby) We did a cookout after the ride and enjoyed some adult beverages and great conversation.
I sent this thread to my sister. I don't know if she is on a team or anything. Is it a good idea to camp the night before as well as Saturday night? I'm not riding, but I can help with drop off or pick up or whatever. Let me know what kind of support is needed.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
[quote author=MariskaHargitay link=topic=2926.msg28288#msg28288 date=1395847461]
I've been very strongly thinking about doing this too, not only to challenge myself but in support of a great cause (and a great person). Throw some camping in and this may be a sure-thing.
You can do it. I am going to see about getting a simi-rally or full rally going here depending on the takers. I gave Joe a lot of the info for it, and I am willing to get everything rolling. My only issue is running the team I will be busy the days leading up to it, so that makes it hard to make sure a rally is going smooth at the same time.
Campground pics here: https://canvascampers.com/inde.....bum;in=270
The MS City to Shore Bike ride is this weekend. Let's wish good luck to all of the riders, 4 of which we have camped with. Mike and his wife Diane (mdbaird), Cindy (Mariska Hargitay), and Karen (my sister, The B. Fam). Any last minute donations are always welcome, the link is at the start of the thread.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
[size=12pt]Thanks for your support everyone! Mike's team name "Pass on Left" was a big hit with the riders. It was an amazing ride, and team Pass on Left raised over $5,000 for the MS Society! [/size]
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