Ok for those who don't know me, a brief history. I've had two back surgeries, 1997 and 1998. After recovery, I went back into the work force. I've pretty much always worked not just a full time job, but always had a side job or business of some kind.
then in Jan 2011, I reinjured my back. This time, one Doc is saying the only surgical option is NOT a good one, another Doc says "oh, I can fix ya" with at least 3 more surgeries.....I'm not making it up when I say his eyes turned to $$ $$ as he was talking. We've so far opted for no surgeries, I trust my neurosurgeon much more than the orthopedic surgeon they made me go see. So the neurosurgeon says, 'go ahead and apply for disability, you most likely won't work again". I can get around, but not real well. and I can't sit for very long either. Long story short, with all the tests they've done, and all the problems in my neck, back and legs, I was awarded disability this past march. Even through all that, my lawyer is still battling it out with the workers comp lawyers over treatments, money, etc......
so back end of the august, I pulled a tick off me. no big deal, right? i'm 55 and pulled so many ticks off me in my life I wouldn't even guess how many. then less than two weeks later, I develop all the flu like symptoms of Rocky Mtn Spotted fever. Not something to play around with, so I spent 6 hours in the ER, the typical pee in the cup, 9 vials of blood, xrays, a bag of fluids because I was severely dehydrated....and because the Tick bite tests take a few days to come back, they go ahead and put you on doxycylene, the most common antibiotic for all the tick bite stuff.
so the next day, I'm getting ready for a shower, and DW says, 'you have red spots all over you'.....so I'm now wondering, Spotted Fever, or allergic reaction to the anitbiotics. So, I call the hospital.....they instruct me to get back there quickly, some of those allergic reactions things can be deadly! So I go back to ER again, they take me off the meds, tell me to take benadryl......
ok, this has turned out longer than I intended, LOL. total medical bills came to a little over 5 grand. No insurance, Medicare don't kick in until this coming Jan. So, today, feeling like by now I have all the bills in hand, I called the doctors group, the pathology lab and the hospital, and talked with each billing department. Giving thanks to the good Lord, each place lowered the total by 35% and set us up with some easy payments!
just a little about us, and a chance to give some praise where praise is due!
Typhus/Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - Yuk! Lyme disease here is bad - get a bit of a flu then get better. (I am a very fast healer.)
Ticks an carry dozens of diseases that they can release direct into the blood stream. (I had more than my share of ticks - my friend and myself fell into a tick "nest" once - 60 min later we gave up counting after 50 on EACH of us.... possibly close to 150-200 total - only a few started to dig in.... Most in the clothing still)
I too had back injury (not work related-darn) when I was an young adult - going back some 23 years ago. Crushed a few veribra (think crushed can of cola) and many fractures. Basically layed up for a year (wore a metal back brace from the neck to the butt and around the sides, 24 hours a day for a year. Reduced time in it over the following 3 months - plus many month of physio).
Thanks goodness I NEVER had ANY surgery then or since on it. All medical expense covered with universal health care in Canada. However have done a few small injures since - Slip and falls (layed up from anywhere from week to up to a full month). Relegated to Desk jobs for the rest of my life. TOTALLY afraid of doing something bad to it...again.
Talking to health providers administrative department sure helps. Talking to Doctors and there Admin Assistants before surgery/treatment can also help reduce bills. Find cheaper options - find financing - reduce possible problems/complication etc.... Some times SHOPPING around for a doctor helps. (We don't have FREE dental up here in Canada).
Hate to say it but getting even a part time job JUST so you can get health benefits might be worth while. Or even your partner can work and get spouse benefits with out yourself having to qualify. (Talk to your lawyer and a Doctor FIRST before working)
Getting private Blue Cross (or similar) is better than spending $$$ on unexpected hospital and drug cost. We get Blue Cross EVERY time we travel in the US or other countries.
I feel for you and wish you the fastest healing. Your in my Prayers.
Thank you sir! I've checked into private insurance, and yes the wife works. the costs of adding me to hers or getting some on my own just made me want to see if I could make it until January until medicare kicks in.
I put off the first back surgery until I literally couldn't walk across the room without falling, once I had it, I wish I'd done it sooner. the second one I didn't even think about it, just did it.
as for the tick thing, they finally decided I had some type of overnight virus thing....
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