I am a happy camper! My Darling wife was using our laptop computer playing games and other computer stuff. Well over a year ago, she fell asleep and the laptop rolled off her lap in the recliner and hit the carpet floor. The LCD screen shattered. Shortly afterward, the computer crashed. A computer repairman replaced the hard drive and had to install a new windows 7 I think to get things working again. He could not find a used or cheap screen for me. He kelp telling me that he was going to watch craigslist and Ebay.Well after a year, I finally called HP and ordered a remanufactured screen. I got it today and watched a you tube video on how to replace it. I did have to go a little futher and replace another monitor cord to the main computer. With lots of luck, it's like new again and I am so Happy! :jig: :2funny: :danes2:
Its hard to send messages from a smart phone with fat fingers!
Miles, we bought this computer a few years ago for us for Christmas. She took over and I think a virus from one of her games is what crashed the hard drive. To be honest, she has a laptop she uses from work to play her games now. But she seems cool to let this one be mine now that I got it up and going again! This one is a big 17 inch screen with all kinds of bells and whistles. I can even put a DVD in and watch a movie. But thanks for the positive comments from you and Judy!
Sounds awesume Mike! Sounds like the perfect camping electonics or PC anyone could use and yet small and light weight. Makes you wonder what will he have 10 years from now for our comforts?
Good luck on your future camping trips. I have already winterized my camper, but I'll be ready for more trips come spring!
Thanks CampnNuts! For those who hasn't heard, The DW and DGD got a new Kindle Fire HD. On our recent trip last week, I had to hook up my cell phone to become a hot spot so they could have the internet on the go. This electronic stuff is getting savy more and more. Now I have to wire in a USB outlet in the camper so they can charge their K.Fires.
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