I ask this because I see all kinds of remarks on Facebook for this time of year. I feel it is important for us camper to Voice our Blessings! :crazydance:
I am grateful for my family, friends, church family, a roof over my head with food, clothing, power, water, heat/a/c, 2 driveable cars with job and retirement to make ends meet. I am also grateful to go camping to meet new friends and to enjoy the great outdoors with my pup to see Gods awesome wonders! To be honest, I am blessed beyond what words can describe. :baseballhat:
I could not begin to say ALL that I am thankful for and blessed by/with. So I'll keep it short and sweet and save the Thanksgiving sermons for next Sunday and Tuesday evening. 😉
I am very thankful for family, friends, food, a home, vehicles that aren't broke down (today anyways), a good church and church family, a second job to help with the lean times, the NTU pup that we will be enjoying, and last but not least the Good Lord above.
Well I am sure that this forum has rules regarding religion and politics. So I will try to stay in form with such rules. Besides all the things that everyone should be thankful for (job, home, cars, and all the material things) as well as the blessed loved ones in our lives I must say that there is one thing in particular that I am most thankful for, and I hope I dont get banned for this.
I am most thankful for the "CROSS"
I can truly say that I have been blessed beyond measure and couldn't possible list everything I'm thankful for. I agree with all that has been posted before me. What more can I say.. :guitar:."and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need like the sun and the rain and the apple seeds.. the Lord's been good to me." Happy Thanksgiving to all.
This may go political, with global warming and all, but it's not meant too. I am thankful for a beautiful 60 + degree fall afternoon in the midwest. I can hang out outside and enjoy our family, our friends and our dogs without having to completely shut things down because of cold weather. And an added plus is that we have the camper open in the back yard just for an extra spot to mingle.
My best to everyone on this site. You all are great.
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