When I first made my introduction post I had said I will provide my resources to help anyone on the website who needs it. I was browsing some posts and was thinking maybe I should make some help tutorials for the website, it is the least I could do as I like to work with the computer.
Step 1:
When you find the particular photo you would like to use in your post make sure to save it to your computer first! This can be done by right clicking on any photo you may see on the internet and selecting the save image as.. button. After this you choose the folder and the name you would like to place the photo in and click save.
Step 2:
Once you finish saving the photo to your computer visit the following link:
When you arrive on the site, it should appear like this...
Step 3:
Click the choose file button and select the photo you would like to upload and keep everything else the same.
After you select the file click the UPLOAD NOW! button.
Step 4:
You may be asked to fill in a verification code just copy the word it gives you and place it in the box. After doing that you will be redirected to a new page where you will see a bunch of codes, you are going to ignore everything you see on the screen beside the box that says "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" as seen here...
Step 5:
Lastly, take that code and simply copy and paste the whole thing into a forum post while editing it so it appears like this...
Keep in mind where you place the code is where the picture will appear, and it is as easy as five steps!
If you have any questions please either pm me or make a reply to the post and seeing as this is the first tutorial I have made, let me know in a reply if you would like to see more and what tutorial you would like to see.
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