Hi y'all!
I'm having a "new" house tented and fumigated for termites before I move in and I'm thinking of putting my popup in the garage for the process. I don't think my camper has termites, but free (er, already paid for that is) fumigation can never be wrong, right? Ants, ticks, mice--I think this stuff will take care of it. Is there any reason not to do this?
(I'd also like to have the space in my current garage for packing and as Steve knows, you never leave an Apache in a driveway! ;D )
I'm not any kind of expert (Apaches or extermination), but I wouldn't see why not? If it can't hurt the fabrics, resins, appliances and other surfaces in your home, it shouldn't hurt your :chief: . I'm nervous about storage myself (especially after learning of Steve A's loss :'( ). I don't have anywhere but a driveway to store my :chief: , but I'm hoping to have hubby ask the seamstress at work to make a "bag" out of awning material to cover it while in the driveway. BTW, anyone notice how much I'm digging the emoticon selection? ;D
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