I have a 2000 Coleman Niagara. The previous owner upgraded it with 205/75R14 tires since these big Colemans come with 13" tires and wheels that tread perilously close to the load limit. The problem is the standard 14 inch tires were so close to the frame they were rubbing on bumps.
I didn't want to incur the expense or trouble of flipping the axle, so my dealer put on at my request a set of Carlisle Ultra Sport Radial tires, Size 235/60R14. They're wider, but they have nearly the same overall diameter as the original 185/80R13 tires (a half inch larger diameter). This gives me plenty of leeway for load. He also dropped the springs down to the lower hole, but upon further review that probably wasn't necessary.
Today I topped off the new solution by getting 3 14x7 aluminum wheels on an ebay offer. With shipping they're $60 each and the 7 inch width is the recommended rim width for these tires; before I had 5.5 inch width which most tire folks feel is acceptable but at that price getting these rims was a no brainer.
Here are some pictures of this solution.
First, the new wheels I just got:
Next, the tires:
[img width=459 height=640]http://www.carlisletire.com/products/trailer/ultra_sport/catalog.jpg[/img]
Here's a comparison of the OEM 13 inch tire size and the new one, original tire on top:
[img width=640 height=480]http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/47661_1345379253936_1814937251_621869_2158469_n.jpg[/img]
And here is a look at the solution on my PUP.
[img width=640 height=480]http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/154906_1345378173909_1814937251_621864_4947669_n.jpg[/img]
[img width=640 height=480]http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/154371_1345378853926_1814937251_621867_3995389_n.jpg[/img]
I figured that since Carlisle recommended a 7 inch wide wheel for the Ultra Sport Radials, it'd be safer to use these new wheels than the 5 1/2 inch wide ones, though most folks I talked to said you have some leeway in rim width. The looks are a bonus. I don't think they come with the center cap that's in the pic, by the way, and I don't plan on using one, figuring the cap would just cover the bearing cap and keep the breeze from cooling it a bit.
I bought three wheels and got three tires, so I have a matching spare. My PUP is pretty much your standard big circa-2000 Coleman, if you've seen one you've seen them all. I just got it in October and it's currently half buried in snow; once I get the new wheels on I'll take pictures of them.
I'd show you my driveway pics but Facebook just made it impossible to do that over the weekend with their new album format - grrr! Guess I'll have to get a Flikr or some such account.
Here's a thumbnail...
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