It sounds like you all had a lot of fun. I wish we could have made it. Jimmy, I won't say you were lucky, but someone intervened on your behalf. Copperheads are one of the worst bites. Especially if it is a smaller snake, because they tend to empty their venom sacks on the first bite. Good thing you were alert. I will never harm the non-venomous snakes, but the other ones are history if I can catch them.
Yes Darrel, Someone was watching over me! In fact, I Killed another Copperhead the next day about 2 feet from where I killed the first one. This time I was looking for them! It was about 2 ft. long and about the same size. It even hissed at me before meeting his fate.
Judy, no snake skin boots or belts going to be made. Can't stand these things around me! Yes, the Lodge factory outlet is in Commerce and I will be glad to take you or help you there to it. It will be the strip store area on the right of the Highway as you head east on I-85 at Hwy.441 exit.
You are right, Melinda! We even had a half off on their seconds skillet. It was a great deal and I bought three of them and handle covers. Their store is across from the outlet mall in a place that looks deserted but it is not. If anyone stops at a Georgia welcome center, check for the coupons and then shop the Lodge Factory Outlet Store.
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