Hi! I'm organizing a group outing to Gloucester, MA and wanted to see if anyone was interested in going!
What: Cape Ann MA (Gloucester-Rockport) Rally
Where: Cape Ann Campsite, Gloucester, MA - website: http://capeanncampsite.net , one mile from Wingaersheek Beach
When: Friday June 24 through Sunday June 26, 2011
Cost: $35/night per site, W/E. If you want to stay longer than the dates above, ask and they'll give you the same rate."
Sites: 10 on hold, 192E-197E, 219E-222E, all on "Hood Hill Road". See map below. All sites have water and electric. Note: I'm going to reserve 194E - that's the site I had before, and it's in the middle of the group. All are shaded/wooded. Go to their website to see pictures of the sites, etc.
A word about the campsite: The nature of Cape Ann is that it's a collection of rocky hills extending into the ocean; this means that the road from I-95 to the campsite is a bit twisty and hilly and a little narrow, and that there's a hill in the campsite to climb as well (I had no problem with either in my V-6 TV and 2200 pound PUP). The campsite itself is older and a bit rustic so the bathrooms, while clean, are older as well.
Things to do in the area: Walk the classic seacoast towns of Rockport and Marblehead, visit the Peabody Essex Museum, spend a day at Gloucester's scenic beaches, visit the Essex Shipbuilding Museum, take a train into Boston, go to the St Peters Festival in Gloucester, and lots more.
How to reserve: Reservations accepted after 4/1/11 (though the sites are already blocked out for us). Call the campground at 978-283-8683; they will ask for a credit card to hold the site (same as your typical hotel reservation). Mention you are with the Canvas Campers group. Please note that they don't fully staff the phones until June so if you have problems reaching them contact me or send them an email at info@capeanncampsite.com (don't email your credit card info, that's always a bad idea!).
If before 4/1/11 you are sure you're going, let me know along with what site you'll be reserving.
The NH-poppers hope to see you there! 🙂
Committed to attend:
Ranger Smith
1 other person from another forum
The campground:
[img width=549 height=640]http://www.capeanncampsite.net/img/sitemap.gif[/img]
Our sites:
[Image Can Not Be Found]
A picture of the lane we're on (that's my old Rockwood PUP with the white Outlander TV):
[img width=640 height=480]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs156.snc4/37155_1300619454969_1814937251_551529_822007_n.jpg[/img]
Nearby Wingaersheek Beach:
[Image Can Not Be Found]
At the Essex Shipbuilding Museum:
[Image Can Not Be Found]
Scenic Rockport:
[Image Can Not Be Found]
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