DW gave the nod last night :victory: and I booked French Creek today for 6/1-3/12. DW hasn't been camping since July of last summer. We have planned trips but they rained out, she got sick, family comes to town, etc. I have taken my son with me a few times to the woods or a campground and he just loves it. At 2 1/2 I think he will have a blast.
There are electric sites still available but of course non of the Pet electric sites are available. (When will FC make the entire C-Loop Pet friendly :cheerleader: ) DW choose to go non-electric and bring our dog -vs- asking her mother to watch the dog. The weather will probably be a little warm during the day but it should be perfect weather for sleeping :dans2:
If anyone else want to join me, you are welcome. No pot luck dinner or games but we can still sit around a campfire :cowboy:
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Thats why I wish they would make the entire Loop C pet friendly. I just picked up some Solar Rope lights and I have my jump pack for my CPAP machine so as long as we don't need the AC or the Heat we can survive.
Who do we need to contact about getting more pet sites in PA State Parks? There has to be someone we can write or make consider or something.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
I think I'm gonna start talking with some people to see what can be done about it. Letter campaign, call our senator, etc. Topic for a different thread when I have more info.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Talk to your legislators and talk to the rangers at the park. There is talk in DCNR about loosening the pet regulations in the campgrounds, so everyone who cares about needs to keep the conversation going.
We were talking to a board member of the Friends of Gifford Pinchot a few weeks ago who was telling about the changes that are being considered there. They're talking about opening up a lot more sites to pets and allowing pets to be walked in more areas.
The more they know that people care about it, the better the chance of change.
I wonder why they restrict certain sites for pets? I don't have a dog myself, but it doesn't bother me if other folks have well behave pets. I'll say one thing though, I hate the folks that have dogs that bark like mad when walking by the site. I'm aware a dog might give an alert bark, but their owners should quiet them immediately. Some folks just let them continue to yap. What's up with those folks?
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