HIBERNIA COUNTY PARK is right around the corner from where I live inc Chester County. I have been there a few times but never camped there. There are no hookups and only pit toilets and it is First Come First Serve for site selection but it is only $15 per night. I have chatted with a few people and Mariska Hargitay checked it out Memorial Day weekend and said it was not crowded. This looks like a it could be an awesome place to camp if you can dry camp. The sites are not small.....there is no pad to park on. Only a good picnic table (I had a rotted table at French Creek last weekend) a fire ring and a sign post with a number. But they seem to be well spaced out. The sites are well shadded with lots of tree's. Gravel/dirt road going in. the trails I have hiked have been very well taken care of. There is a lake and a mansion you can tour and a butterfly something or another.
I just got the greenlight from DW to go camping the weekend of the 23rd. Like I said, there are no reservations and the campground is only open from Fri-Sun so if you want to come, just show up. If you are worried about traveling and not getting a site you can give me your number and I can call you when I get there at 5ish to let you know the situation.
So.....Who's in for an adventure at a campground nobody has camped at with no hookups? DW and I plan to go for a hike and will post some pics/video if I get a chance.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
That's pretty funny you mention this now. I haven't been online so didn't read your post yesterday, but Chris & I ventured through Hibernia while doing errands this morning. It's a beautiful wknd & only 2 sites were occupied in the Fiddler loop. We didn't go up to the Lake loop, but last time we were there, it was empty.
There is water in every loop, and I checked them out, they did work. OK, my 2yo son checked them out :baseballhat:
I have a Potty and I have no problems doing #1 or #2 in it. As for washing, I'll probably do the paper plate deal to cut down on the dishes and do the old 3 wash tub cleaning deal.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Considering that Cowans Gap is DW's favorite state park, I don't think I'd be able to convince her to change that date! In fact, just suggesting it could possibly be hazardous to my health! Making health concerns even more troubling is that fact that our grandson and his parents (see the order of importance? ::)) are staying overnight with us that weekend. No one gets between DW and our grandson! :knuppel2:
That said, I'd like to see the video and we may make that a destination for another time.
I was just there again yesterday taking my son for a walk. There was a very nice well groomed trail going from the ranger station down to the lake. The trail was so nice, I bet a wheel chair could be used on it.....is there such a thing as a handicapped trail?
Along it they had a few look out areas, one that had lots of bird houses and bird info so I am guessing it is a popular spot to bird watch. Many of the trees also had markers identifying what kind they were. I am thinking this was a nature walk the park put together.
I tried to mess with my video last night but my computer is having memory issues (too many videos on it 8) ) Hopefully I get it cleared up soon.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
We've been to a number of parks with true handicapped accessible trails. It's nice to see places make the effort to do that!
I like to see trails (or just park grounds) that have ID markers on trees and/or other plantings. I'm a Master Gardener and can ID a great number of plants in the wild but trees are not a strong suit. Over the winter we visited one of PA's environmental centers and overheard some people checking out the ID labels and commenting that they wanted to learn more about the plants and trees. A marked trail like Hibernia's can lead some visitors to a new or stronger appreciation for the outdoors.
Finally got around to editing the video. I was thinking of staying in Fiddlers campground. Site 15 area, right after the grassy area. The sites seemed level and good. I'll be there with the Coleman Popup and the Full Size gray Ford Van.
So, Who is interested in going or stopping by?
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
I try to end all of my vids with pics of my dog....this one was a bit unique 😮
Previously I mentioned a trail that was well groomed and thought a wheel chair could go on it.....I must have been on the Lake trail
LAKE TRAIL - 0.67 Miles
Although most of Lake Trail is about 5% slope, it is wheelchair accessible. The prepared stone dust surface of the trail extends from Hibernia Mansion to Pavilion #3. It includes two overlooks, an accessible fishing area and trailside benches. Lake Trail, the trail closest to Chambers Lake, has numbered stations posted along the side. A brochure is available for this trail and may be obtained in the park office or along the trail
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
No Plastic.....at least thats what I recall reading on a sign, Cash or Check only. Unless you want to drop your credit card in the box and have them mail it back to you once they run the charge through 😀
Honestly, I don't know if you can pay with a credit card if there is a Ranger in the office. Honestly, I doubt it.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
I had a reality check today when I went out for lunch.....Holy Crap it's HOT!!!! :omg: I don't think it will be as much fun to camp when it is this hot out and no electric for fans or AC and no place to swim. So Lori and I are going to back out of this. I really wanted to camp here but I think I have missed my window of opportunity before it became too hot. I will try here again in the fall when it cools off.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
The heat wave is supposed to break today and then it's supposed to be less humid and not nearly as hot for the weekend. Still in the mid-80s, but a whole lot better than the last two days!
Camping in the heat is not a lot of fun without A/C or a place to swim, though. I did a lot of that in my younger days and I'm not eager to repeat it!
One nice thing we found at Cowans Gap SP is even if it's a hot weekend the evenings and nights are comfortable. The elevation is fairly high (for PA) and the park sits in a wind gap in the mountains. We're finishing our packing this morning and will hit the road by or before lunch!
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