We ended up in site 74. Would have liked to move to one of the pull thrus, but we had ominous clouds rolling in. Turned out OK, because we were right across from the pool and the restrooms and close to the activities. 72-79 are all about the same size. Check he water spigots. Ours was under a puddle, so I had to put on an extra 25' of hose and hook up to the site next door. The PUP's rear bunk was almost over the drop off and I had just enough room to pull the TV along the road in front and leave enough room to walk between it and the hitch. Maybe 8' additional on the side after the awning. I suggest you take the drive around the campground and look at it before you check in. Don't run over the rabbits. They are everywhere.
Have fun!! :ranger:
PS Judy, we will take you up on the rain class, but we have our own "Hello Kitty" ponchos. 😀
Hey Miles,
We're in. We made reservations earlier this week: arriving Thursday (probably around 7, if everything goes well), departing Saturday (probably with late check out). I asked if we could be near you guys, even though we have a pop-up. She checked and put us on site 100. Sorry if that's TOO close. But the girls are excited about going and Laura and I are looking forward to hanging out with you guys. Now I need to find some good Yogi Bear cartoons and get the girls educated on what they are going to encounter! 🙂
That's great Jason! Our kids will be excited to know you guys are coming. It will be nice to have some adult interaction as well. 100 is close enough. I also have been showing the kids cartoons of Yogi and BooBoo. I have convinced Jace that it is his responsibility to guard the picnic basket. You guys be careful, see you Thursday.
That was fun!
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