We headed to Letchworth State Park on Tuesday July 10 and spent 5 nights there, attending the Genesseo Air Show and sight seeing the park.
We left Letchworth on Monday morning and met up with our daughter and son-in-law and grandkids at Robert Moses State Park in Massena, NY and on Tuesday headed for the Maritimes. Stopped the first night at Timberland Campground on Rte 2 at Shelbourn, NH, the second night at Fire Fly Campground in Hampton, NB and then to Hubbard's Beach Campground in Hubbards, NS for a week.
While there we visited Peggy's Cove and the Suisse Air 111 Memorial on Friday.
Saturday we were going to see the Tall Ships in Halifax but there was a really bad accident on highway 103 (4 cars involved and one killed) that had the highway closed from 10 AM to 5 PM so we turned around and visited Lunenburg - the Bluenose ll and the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic.
On Sunday (Mary's Birthday) we just laid around and went to a lobster supper at The Shore Club, just across the road from the campground. What a meal - lobster and all you can eat salad bar and mussels. While there there was filming of the TV show "Haven" based on a Stephen King book. The Shore Club was transformed into "The Haven Shore Club" and there were approx. 20 vintage cars from the 50s and all the stars and extras were dressed in 50s style clothing. The cars all had Maine license plates but when the filming was done the Maine plates were removed to reveal that the cars were all from the NS Antique Car club.
Monday we went to Halifax and saw the Parade of Ships as the Tall Ships prepared to leave Halifax. This was much better than just seeing them tied up at the docks.
On Wednesday Mary and I went to Bayswater to see the other Suisse Air lll memorial. It was way better than the one at Peggy's Cove. There were 4 huge granite slabs with the names of all the victims of the air disaster and a mass grave for all the recovered bodies. A very moving sight as there were cards and stuffed animals still being placed on the Memorial even 14 years after the disaster.
Wednesday was another rest day with a short trip to the Oak Island Museum. On one previous trip we spent the whole day prowling around Oak Island, but right now the 2 guys who own the island are fighting and you can only tour the island one weekend a month (not the weekend we were there).
Thursday we headed to Caissie Cape (north of Shediac, NB) for the weekend. We went to the Sandpiper Festival at Dorchester on Saturday and met some old friends I had not seen in 40+ years. Saturday we had supper at the Bell Inn with some old classmates and had a really good time.
Sunday was cleaning the trailer and laundry day and on Monday we pulled out for home getting here on Tuesday at 4:30 PM.
now to sort out all the pictures and get them posted.
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