Most of this I posted in the "WDH?" thread, but I wanted to classify it so hopefully someone else will take notice.
This is an FYI story:
So I got the equalizer 1000k/10000k and it's defiantly a quality product, but. The rub on it is the mounts for the A frame. The bolt pattern doesn't properly fit the frame. The Jayco, and presumably the Starcraft frames are 4-3/8" tall and the closest bolt pattern for the equalizer is 5". The installation instructions clearly state that there should be no gaps between the frame and the mounting bolts. So now I need to fashion a spacer to fill the 5/8" gap below the frame and above the bolt.
I'm going to go with a block of some hardwood to get me going until I can get a steel spacer made. I had a metal supply cut some bar stock that i had given the dimensions, but it's a bit small and would need to be welded. I have the welding equipment, I just need the time.
As of the re-post I have gone with the block of wood, hardwood maple counter top, and it seems to tighten everything up. I called another local machine shop and next week he's going to make the right size spacers for me and then I'll weld them onto the frame.
Oh by the way the tech line at progress manufacturing sent the pic and when we spoke on the phone this was their recommended fix.
Go Big: Thanks for the heads up on this. I have the new equalizer hitch sitting in the garage, I just haven't had
the time swap out the round bar WDH. Let us know how you make out.
bikendan: Jayco/Starcraft is using a "ultra light weight frame" on the 20ft and under HTTs and TT
made by BAL and Dexter (at least that's whats stamped on it). I guess they had the goal of keeping
the weight down, but the 19H & 197RB are at the higher end weight wise compaired the other 19ft
hybrids on the market.
I had you in mind as I was posting because I remembered you were going to go with a new Equalizer after CB didn't install one. Just double check your fame height if it's 4-3/8" tall, then you'll need a spacer as well. The mounting bolts for the "L" bracket need to be as close to the frame as possible to prevent fer and aft movement and to prevent the back bracket from bending. I'll be getting the spacers made next week and if they fit properly they may not need welding, We'll see. I'll keep you informed. As for the temporary hardwood fix, that will be tested local this weekend.
This is how it looks as of now:
No none yet, I did contact a machine shop to fabricate some spacers that I could weld on. I've been lazy with the set up that is on there now, some uni-strut brackets that I made from material off a job-site, they aren't pretty, but do the job. So until I get tired of looking at them and when I have a minute that is how they will stay.
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