I'm thinking of getting a towing hitch carrier much like this one: http://www.trailerhitchhelper......205-to.htm so I can carry more stuff. What do you guys think about this? I know I have to consider the max tongue weight of the hitch at 350 lbs. The hitch weight of my camper is only 150 lbs. dry and 200 lbs. max when loaded. This gives me about 150 lbs. left to put on the carrier which won't be a problem. I'm just wondering if anyone has some experience using this and may have some tips or pointers to share or just have an overall opinion on this. Obviously it does add about 24" of additional length behind the TV and I'll have to be very careful in going over bumps and up ramps and such to avoid scraping at the hitch ball point.
Any thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Alternate ideas?
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