We can't make one camping trip without our bread and rolls being smashed during travels. I just saw these bun keeper online for cheap. I'm just wondering if they seal tight so they stay fresh?
[img width=415 height=640]http://www.harrietcarter.com/resources/harrietCarter/images/products/processed/3078-1.zoom.a.jpg[/img]
Looks like the same place has a bread keeper.
[img width=415 height=640]http://www.harrietcarter.com/resources/harrietCarter/images/products/processed/3086.zoom.a.jpg[/img]
Sandman, I've tried the milk crate method too, but I still end up with smashed buns. But it does make it easier for carrying, and I think they would be more smashed without the milk crate. I've started to just equate smashed buns with camping now! :tease:
I wonder if the containers have enough room to just keep the rolls in their original bags? I saw the hot dog ones in a store once, but they didn't look very waterproof, and waterproof is necessary as no one likes hot dog juice.
I think bigger Rubbermaid or Tupperware would be more universal.
they are NOT moisture resistant ! on humid days, or in a cooler, the bread has been sweat on....
we had these, and if you removed the banding from the bag, then squeezed the air out, they would fit most of the time.
we gave them away to a neighbor....
with a family of five camping, we needed to much bread to use these....lol
we ended up putting all the bread in a small tote case by itself instead
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