Here's a chance to snag an end of season sale of Lodge 12" preseasoned cast iron skillet. There's no shipping so that'll definitely be worth the price of admission.
Here's the link Lodge 12" Cast Iron Skillet[url.
Ask the seller, if you are thinking of bidding, if this is a factory second. They are available at the GA Lodge Outlet for under $6 or $8 (can't recall) but have a dimpled surface where food will stick. Just sayin'. I love the helper handle on this model too and use it in my camper.
I bought mine plus 3 for gifts up at Commerce, GA with a coupon from the TN/GA Welcome Center. If you're at the surrounding welcome centers at the state borders, check out the flyers and offers for the coupon.
What can I say, Pinn? (CJ's brother calls eBay evilBay. Yeah, I get it.)
I honestly only post these deals when I actually feel like they are deals. If you can't get to a Lodge discount place, this is a great way to get one cheaply.
I will warn you, that seller is notorious for NOT letting you know anything. Sometimes you'll even see the tracking info before it's sent and sometimes you may see no info and having it sitting at your doorstep.
I have bought from them several times. I've never been disappointed with the product.
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