The VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Seven Springs Mountain Resort, and Project Healing Waters, are sponsoring a Fly fishing outing Saturday Oct 3rd,2015 in Donegal .PA. Three Rivers Dutch Ovens, was asked to help sponser this event. This would be a Honor, and Privledge for our IDOS Chapter to assist . We would be serving our Nations Veterans with a hot lunch meal. after a good day of fishing on a private lake. plus this would be a great warm up for the upcoming East Coast DOG in Bird in Hand , PA in which we are also excited about attending.. details are still being worked out, but will keep you posted as more become more concrete. if anybody is going to be near the SW PA area that day, please feel welcomed to stop bye, say hello, and Thank a VET for the sacrifice they made!
We are having our final meeting with the planning commitee aug 1st , looks like this event is going to be finalized soon, just got release of info permission from the VA hospitial so we can photo our vets at this event, and talking to the press now about publication. We are super exicited that our IDOS chapter. Is going to be hosting this event.
I would like to join the chapter. You can contact me at have been cooking cast iron about 5 yrs. :chef:
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