I have added a lot of details for tourist attractions in New York and Canada on this 'featured destination' thread. Don't forget about the fireworks and illumination at night. 😮
Reminder: If traveling across the border, you will be required to have a valid passport.
It's been 2-3 years but the camp store has ice, wood and basic camping and some grocery items.
Niagara Falls is about 13 minutes from the campground and there are at least two full service grocery stores between them.
Nikki or someone else with better knowledge might know names and web links?
Tops Market is one of them. http://www.topsmarkets.com/
About 10 minutes west of the CG there is a nice little town with grocery, little cafes, shopping ect... Within 5 minutes of the CG there are (well were last year) 2 farmer market stands with fresh fruit and such as well as wood.
Also for those of those looking into grabbing a site the 100 loop and 10's loop (20-80) is really close to the 200 loop and there is actually a path that cuts through from one to the other and will convenintly come out right at the host site ;D So if you can't find a site in the 200 loop look into the adjacent one.

Not sure if it has been mentioned in the previous pages, but if you are crossing the border with your fur babies, you will need rabies and inoculation papers for them...
Also if you take any medication, just to save potential hassles make sure you bring an original bottle/box of the prescription (the part that has the name, date, type of medication and doctor) needed more for flying, but have heard of day visitors returning to both sides claiming they were asked ...
Also if this is just a stop on a longer vacation and you'll be campering in Ontario, makes sure you do NOT bring fire wood across,, I get asked every time ...
Oh and one last thing ... Have fun ... 😉 😀 ;D
Hey all
The time is getting close and it will be good to meet everyone. Let's plan on Saturday night for the potluck site TBD once everyone is there. Anyone want to pick the theme for dinner? Shoot your ideas here and we'll pick a fun one. As it stands now I will be able to attend Thursday night and Saturday morning for a few hours. I will most likely miss the dinner. Nikki will be on hand to coordinate everything. Now as far as wood....NYS has a 50 mile rule and they have asked in the past at this CG. Not sure how they can verify where you bought it but just so you know. In the past the CG has had free wood earlier in the season from the winter clean up but I don't rely on it. I have never looked for wood in the area because we usually bring it from home. I will bring enough for the group campfire on Saturday. Unfortunately I do not have a solid place to get wood locally but will keep my eyes open on the trip out. See you all soon.
Potluck themes: The Upper New York area is known for it's wine, so why not wine and cheese related? I'm thinking a white wine sauce over angel hair pasta and chicken with grated parm/romano on top? Or red wine sauce over beef medalions with optional mushrooms? Or ball park food like you'd get a yankees game? What about international theme,since we are so close to the USA and Canada border, and everyone bring something related to their family heritage?
We will also be planning a cornhole and ladder golf tournament for Thursday or Friday. (Weather permitting)
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Thingette's': I like the different theme ideas and are game for any of them.
Cantgetright: From what I remember of our last rally here, I don't know that you can kayak on the lake. Very large and pretty fast moving water.

If you wish to kayak or canoe I know where you can do both, however I will warn that if you go the wrong way and past the markers and signs that read like "motor required beyond this point" you may end up seeing the fall up close ... Now that is not saying you can't paddle in the river, lots of people do it... You just have to be aware ... You will be in the "little Niagara River" which as you can see on the map is by Griffon Park, Griffon Park also has a boat launch beside it's main parking lot ..
To get to Griffon Park head into the "tourist shopping" area of Niagara Falls ...
More about Potluck Themes: We also have the Olympics coming up and that might be a fun theme, with a running of the torch prior to the games, and a circling of flags, and etc. Food then could be country based (which could, if you wanted, include a dish from your heritage or simply a fun made up name). Maybe we could do a few more games too, like lawn jarts(instead of javelin), and bocce (simplified for time, instead of shot put), and a three legged race(instead of 50 yard dash), and something water realted if it's hot, like balloon toss at a target, or water balloon golf(instead of disc golf). We'd need medals too, I think I know what to use for those(would be inexpensive), and maybe hmmmmm.
I love the idea and here are a few thoughts:
[li]Two age groups (16+ and 16-)[/li]
[li]Adults, two person teams[/li]
[li]6 or more games[/li]
[li]Play Friday and Saturday[/li]
[li]Create rally shirts[/li]
[li]Activities include cornhole, ladder golf, bocce ball, lawn darts, water balloon toss and more[/li]
If anyone has games that they can bring, let us know.
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