As much as I would have liked to go, it looks like we'll have to drop out. One family event we can't miss popped up that weekend, and it's also entirely likely that DS#1 will heading away for his first Boy Scout summer camp that week, so we should probably be closer than 3.5 hours away from home in the event something happens.
You know, you try and give a guy an extended vacation and what do you get? 😮 😮 😮
Thanks to everyone else for their cooperation.
We have everyone's forms and 8 out of the twelve remaining have paid.
This has been a difficult road to travel because of West Virginia State Parks rules. :banghead:
You have been a great bunch understanding the time we have put into this rally.
It would not have gotten to this point without Joe and Phil.
I can't wait to try the staple food of WV that I've been told about. Pepperoni rolls.
I'm also looking for ideas for a themed potluck dinner. If anyone has an idea or is interested, please pm me.
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