Whew, I'm in. Site 502 unless I like another empty one when I get there. I couldn't get them to switch Just Chillin (Bonnie's) reservation to me, so she's still in for next year.
We still don't have a replacement TV, and they won't let us drop it off a few days before-hand without charging us full price even though their storage is full, but we'll figure out a way to get it there Friday, and then we'll come setup after work.
Hey, someone hold my beer and watch me use a trailer dolly and a road bicycle to get it there :cheers:
I will bring... food. Sorry, I'll figure out ASAP. 2 adults, one who loves pumpkin everything :2funny:
Remember to bring a couple bags of Candy! The campground does trick or treat on Sat afternoon! And dress up the adults and kids of your group too! I think we'll come dressed in 50's attire. Easy one for the guys-jeans cuffed, white socks, black shoes, white t-shirt, pretend pack of cigarettes rolled into one sleeve, hair slicked back, if you've got any. aviator sun glasses. Ladies: Poodle skirts or full skirts, white button down shirt, cardigan, or husbands leather motorcycle jacket, scarf at neck and /or in hair, saddle shoes if you've got em, or keds with bobby socks(or short socks) and bright lipstick! I love to dress up. But if you don't.....It's OK. We love ya anyway!
Does anyone know how strict they are on arrival time? I saw in their policies that arrival before 3pm can cause a fee?
Lori, Nathan, and I have our costumes. I will go grab some candy this week. I am planning on arriving after lunch. Nathan has off of school so we are going to make the most of it.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Sorry for the delay, as many of you know I was involved in the Breast Cancer 3 Day this past weekend.
My honey and I will be bringing Roast Vegetables to the potluck. (bell peppers, sweet potato, zucchini, etc)
We will all be dressing up.
I will be providing an adult libation for around the campfire.
See everyone Friday! :clappingani:
Thank you Becky!! We appreciate it
Please don't give my Batman anything with Peanuts, he is allergic. His sidekick Robin (me) will be at his side politely declining the Reeses Pieces and WonderWoman (My Wife ) will be checking all the labels when we get back from trick or treating.
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
I have updated the start of the thread with the pot luck contributions. Let me know if I didn't update your item.
DN? Dear Niece (Sabrina) said she will bring Lemon Bars. DW said she would make a soup of some sort. I think she said vegetable soup, I can't remember.....I'm a Baaaad husband :-[
This weekend I will have DW, DS, DN, Me, and 2 dogs. My nephew Evan is camping with the cub scouts. He was bummed. We have bigger campfires
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Very fun and enjoyable weekend. DW, DS, DN (Dear Niece) had a great time. I just realized I didn't snap a single picture this weekned. Love to see some of the pics others took this weekend.
It rained a little on Friday night when I arrived. Thank you Jonathan for loaning me a rain jacket to get parked. Sorry about spilling the drink on your chair Saturday night :-[
Matt O 2006 Skyline Nomad 27' travel trailer. Previously owned 1986 Coleman Columbia / 1992 Coleman Senecca / 1989 Born Free Class C RV.
Jamie and I had a blast, thanks everyone for a great time. Matt I am not upset about the chair but i am upset you wasted a perfectly good beer! :D. No worries i sprayed the chair down before i went to sleep and it was dry by sunday morning. By the way Awsome new camper Hope you have many years of fun with it. Joe I saw an article in the Pa newspaper there was a little girl institutionalized on monday she kept screaming something about the stay puff marshmallow guy was the boogie man! priceless....
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